Forschungsgruppe Mehrphasenströmungen
- ASME Summer Meeting 1997, Vancouver, Canada, June 22-26 1997 -
There is a full length version of the conference paper available.
- Frank Th., Wassen E., Q. Yu :
- "A 3-dimensional Lagrangian Solver for Disperse Multiphase Flows on
Arbitrary, Geometricaly Complex Flow Domains using Block-structured
Numerical Grids"
- 7th Int. Symposium on Gas-Particle Flows,
- ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting,
- Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 22-26, 1997.
- CD-ROM Proceedings, FEDSM97-3590
Furthermore there is access to the transparencies shown at the conference.
1) Title
2) Contents
3) Equations of motion of the fluid phase
4) The 3-dimensional eq. of motion for the disperse phase
5) Equations of motion of the disperse phase - II
6) The solution algorithm
7) The numerical mesh
8) Particle localization on the numerical grid
9) Particle tracing and calculation of source terms
10) Particle-wall interaction
11) Particle-wall collision - II
12) Prediction of particle precipitation in a standard cyclon
13) Mass summ and particle size distribution for the quartz particles used
14) Results for the precipitation rate
15) Numerical mesh for the standard cyclon
16) Details of the numerical mesh for the standard cyclon
17) Particle precipitation in a standard cyclon - gas velocity profiles
18) Particle precipitation in a standard cyclon - particle trajectories
19) Gas-Particle flow in a curved channel / flow separation
20) Numerical mesh for the channel without corner vanes
21) Numerical mesh for the channel with 4 corner vanes
22) Details of the numerical mesh in the channel bend without corner vanes
23) Details of the numerical mesh in the channel bend with corner vanes
24) Particle trajectories for the channel without corner vanes
25) Particle trajectories for the channel with corner vanes
26) Particle concentration for the channel without corner vanes
27) Particle concentration for the channel with corner vanes
28) Conclusions
If you have any further questions don't hesitate to contact me under my
Dr. Thomas Frank
, 19. June 1997